Daily monitor is accessed at http://www.monitor.co.ug/

Web usability is critical for the success of any website and should never be overlooked. Good usability can improve the performance of your website and increase your chances of success. It can also boost sales and revenue for your business.

This article takes a look where the Daily monitor is doing well and where they need to improve;

 Mobile Compatibility

Mobile view format

People use their mobile phones to access the Internet, creating a mobile optimized website has therefore become a necessity. The daily monitor content can be accessed on the mobiles appropriately that is the pictures, videos and text are accessed.


 Accessible to All Users

A user-friendly website should also be accessible to everyone including blind, disabled or the elderly. These users typically use screen-readers to access the Internet. The Daily monitor website content is only accessed by people that can see because it is not audio enabled. Very few websites in Uganda have that ability but it is also important for such an investment.

 Well Planned Information Architecture

How information is organised and presented on your website is vital for good usability. However, it is often neglected. It has become even more important today as websites offer a wide range of information and resources to attract their target market.

The daily monitor website is planned generally well because it has various columns for various information needs for example the news, special reports,magazines,sports and life style,among others.

 Well-Formatted Content That Is Easy to Scan

The average Internet user skims through the content on a web page instead of reading each and every word from top to down. Users tend to scan through key parts of the page quickly to determine if it is relevant to their needs.

It is important to format your content with this in mind. Correct use of headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, bullets or lists help to break up text, making it easy for readers to scan. The daily monitor fails on this one as content shared is similar to the print way format which needs to be changed.


Fast Load Times

Man hand touching screen on modern digital tablet pc. Close-up image with shallow depth of field focus on finger.

Nothing is more annoying for website visitors than a website that takes long to load. In fact, slow speed is one of the main reasons why visitors leave a website. Making sure your website loads within 4 to 6 seconds is important for good usability.

Daily monitor website is fairly okay here because it loads quickly which allows their content to be quickly accessed in quick time intervals. Check it out here http://www.monitor.co.ug/


Effective Navigation

It is equally important for the navigation to be clutter-free. Try to limit the number of menu items as far as possible.  The Daily monitor website has many drop downs and menus which makes it so crowded and before you find what you need, you are already scared. Why not create a new one for magazines and special reports for easy access of their content.

Contrasting Color Scheme

The right contrast between the background of the website and content is one of the most basic yet most important web design principles that should never be overlooked. Good contrast between background and text e.g. black text on a white background makes your content legible and easy to read.

The Daily monitor website gets an approval here because it has a good complexion of red, white and gray colors. They are appealing to look at.

Conclusively, Website usability plays a vital role in the success of a website. Good usability helps to provide a seamless experience for visitors and improves your chances of success.