The Microscope, this weekend, shares with you the theme; “Be careful who you hang around in this season!”

The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray. (Proverbs 12:26) and in the book of Mark (Chapter 5) we find Jesus declaring a little girl who was asleep yet was thought to be dead by the wrong crowd! Jesus had to dismiss the laughing crowd before he could speak a right WORD that would ultimately awaken the child in front of her parent.

You see, because of their disbelief, the wrong crowd was an enemy to that little sleeping girl’s future and it is no different with us… The wrong crowd will laugh in disbelief at your decree in life and will even tell you that your dreams are dead.

Brethren, the bible reassures us therefore that; A right word can silence the wrong crowd with the truth of you and it can dismiss the wrong crowd from your future.  The wrong crowd isn’t limited to a human expression! That’s because it can also be the group of negative thoughts in your mind, that will try to convince you of limitation!

We should always work hard to save ourselves out of the wasteland and streams of negative people and negative thinking!  Don’t allow the wrong crowd to become an enemy to your future!